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A Primer for Building a Kickass, Remote Organization

December 20, 2017 6:00 am Published by

Cursory discussions about remote work – and workers – abound (live your life! hire great people! be diverse!) but practical explanations of how, exactly, to translate this virtual promised land into a well-functioning organization are few and far between. Enter Help Scout. Right here in Boston(ish), Converge portfolio company and leading customer support tech company,... Read More


In Great Company:
Converge in the Boston Globe

October 27, 2017 1:18 pm Published by

In our experience, organizational change is driven by confident leaders with the will to buck trends. It doesn’t just happen. We congratulate the CEOs and entrepreneurs we work with who, by making good business decisions around talent, have also made Boston one of the best places for women in tech. Read 4 reasons to be Optimistic... Read More


Investment Opportunities in Bitcoin Security:
Converge in Bitcoin Market Journal

October 23, 2017 8:02 am Published by

Boston Crypto had its second meetup on October 18th. As co-organizer, we are especially interested in accelerating the collective knowledge within the community around blockchain and the crypto application as this tech offers not only investment opportunities but will also enable entirely new industries. This meetup revolved around the burgeoning Bitcoin/Crypto security space – how... Read More


New Silicon for the New Enterprise Stack

October 6, 2017 9:00 am Published by

One of the most transformational trends in computing today is the shift from traditional CPUs to alternative chip designs engineered for emerging use cases like AI. As Moore’s Law tails off, the performance needs of next-generation applications are being met by new approaches that represent a departure from the CPU-dominated status quo. Nowhere is this... Read More


Field Notes: Peanut Butter & Jelly

September 6, 2017 2:37 pm Published by

When you’re an entrepreneur moving fast and thinking big, it’s helpful to keep an eye on where the early stage center of gravity is for the space you’re in – and where it might be next. At Converge, we are privileged to interact with fantastic entrepreneurs every day and to hear where they are investing... Read More



August 1, 2017 11:00 am Published by

Fieldnotes are digests of select aspects of the entrepreneurial landscape and are written by our Investment Team An area of investment interest for us at Converge is “Verticalized AI”: the application of ML, deep learning and robotics to industries that, in our view, are ripe for disruption with AI. Healthcare is one of the several... Read More


Accelerate: Calling Bullshit

July 14, 2017 9:28 am Published by

Startups are a lot of work punctuated by moments of glory, some big and many small. Those moments keep us all going, fuel the next awesome idea and accelerate the trajectory of the business. We *love* hearing about breakthroughs from the teams on the ground, doing the hard work every day. The Accelerate series details... Read More


The Blockchain Train is Leaving the Station

May 31, 2017 3:27 pm Published by

Photo Credit: @martinceralde In line with our investments in blockchain, Ash Egan, a Principal at Converge, camped out at Consensus 2017 in NYC last week. The conference’s theme “Making Blockchain Real” and the line up of speakers reflected the huge acceleration we’ve seen in the technology over the past year and expect we’ll continue to see.... Read More

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